Don’t just move around with your android device if you don’t know the benefits of installing a custom ROM and also how to install a custom ROM on your android device. The benefits are so numerous which includes changing the overall look of your device. (I will be posting the full benefits later).

     On the long run, why do you need to install a custom ROM on your android device? Well, there are many reasons to this, one of them being
poor performance of your stock OS. So without saying much, here are the five best customizing ROMS for your android device:

I          AOKP(ANDROID OPEN KANG PROJECT) This ROM, just like Paranoid Android lets you customize the interface of your device and is no doubt one of the more popular android ROMS even as at now. This ROM which gives you the room to change the colour of the on screen soft keys is superb for Nexus devices. Another great feature of AOKP is stability, and in addition, you can easily make the status bar and navigation bar transparent, not leaving out LED notifications. If you are still not sure of installing AOKP, just have it at the back of your mind that it supports so many devices such as Nexus devices, Motorola Droid 3, Droid 4, Droid Bionic, Galaxy note II, Galaxy S3 and lots more.

II        MIUI: This ROM has a unique feature which is its beautiful IOS-like interface, thus making it popular. Other features include amazing security apps and themes, flashlights, notes app, and weather, among others. In ranking, MIUI is among the most popular and ranks second only to CyanogenMod. If your phone’s look and operation has become boring to you, then try out MIUI ROM.


III      SlimBean: Wondering why it is named SlimBean? Well, this is because of the way it operates. SlimBean has a very outstanding feature which is the real dark slim through which the colours of your interface can be inverted with just one touch. No need to worry if it will support your device because it is compatible with so many devices, such as Nexus, Galaxy S3, and all Galaxy note models.

As the name implies, this is a very light ROM which is rich in features and is very stable. slimBean kernel offers a lasting battery life and it provides better performance. With its custom kernel, you can under clock and overclock the CPU, engine support, theme, etc.


IV      CyanogenMod: As stated earlier in this article, CyanogenMod is the most popular Android ROM which has over a million registered users worldwide. The reason behind its popularity is that it is compatible and runs with almost all android devices and is rich in so many great features not available in android’s pre-installed ROM.

What are the features that make it so unique? They include advanced sound panel, improved camera apps, theme control, and ability to customize home screen shortcut docks, extensive launcher options, and status bar customization. It also supports special lock screen shortcuts and much more.


V        Paranoid Android: One of paranoid’s androids major feature is the ability to make selections based on direction by the use of a radial menu known as PIE controls. How does PIE control work? In PIE mode, the navigation bar and status bar are being removed so that only the full screen appears. To make use of the controls, simply swipe from side of your device and the PIE menu will appear.

Paranoid ROM comes with a hybrid engine enabling you to define the DPI based on the app in use, which means that while in phone mode, you can use an app and use others in tablet mode or even a hybrid of both. Also you can set custom colours for apps so that the notification bar and menu bar blends with the colour of the app you are using.

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These are the top 5 customization ROMS for your android device. Is there any ROM(s) not mentioned that you feel should be among? Kindly add them here. Also, feel free to share this article using any of the share buttons below.

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